Gameplay Features

Exploration and Building

Exploration is a cornerstone of the Endworld experience. Players venture through Realm Portals to discover procedurally generated worlds, each filled with unique landscapes, creatures, resources, and hidden magical artifacts. These realms serve as the primary playground for players to adventure, gather resources, and progress their characters.

The building system in Endworld is designed to be intuitive yet powerful, allowing players to shape the world around them. Key features of the building system include:

  1. Modular Building Block System: Similar to Minecraft but enhanced, players start with simple blocks that can be subdivided into smaller parts. These blocks can be morphed into diverse shapes, allowing for an infinite variety of constructions.

  2. Sculpt Mode and Free Sculpt Mode: In Sculpt Mode, players can add rounded edges, indentations, and more to blocks. Free Sculpt Mode extends this further, allowing for granular sculpting of various materials, much like a mason chipping away at stone.

  3. Physics-Based Interactions: The blocks obey the laws of physics. Materials can be bound together using realistic methods such as nails, tape, glue, and more. This physics-based system also extends to the destruction of structures, allowing for realistic breakdown and salvage of materials.

  4. Template and Library System: Players can save part or entire buildings as templates into a library. These templates can be shared or sold in the market. Similarly, players can take inspiration from AI-generated structures and landscapes, adding them to their library.

Building in a realm only becomes possible after clearing the realm of its initial challenges. Moreover, some realms may already include fully formed structures and civilizations created by AI. In such cases, players can choose to build parallel to, modify, or replicate these pre-built worlds.

Combat System

The combat system in Endworld is designed to be deep, strategic, and highly customizable. It combines move-based combat with magical abilities, creating a dynamic and engaging battle experience. The system is comprised of several interconnected components:

  1. Move-Based Combat: This forms the foundation of the combat system. Players start with basic moves for each weapon type, such as slash, stab, and block. As these moves are used, they level up and unlock additional related abilities in a flexible skill tree. Players can discover new skills through experimentation with different weapons and attack combinations. As skills improve, players can string them into preset sequences and rotate between sequences mid-battle to adapt tactics. An AI system can analyze battles and provide suggestions to players or even subtly adjust attacks towards an enemy's weak points, enhancing the dynamic combat experience.

  2. Powers and Spells System: This system governs the magical abilities in Endworld, which are discovered through exploration. Powers and spells are found by uncovering hidden relics, scrolls, and spell books scattered in dangerous, remote parts of realms. These artifacts contain randomized spells and powers with differing levels of effectiveness and unique effects. Spells include offensive, defensive, healing, buff, crowd control, and ultimate abilities with long cooldowns. Casting spells and powers requires mana, a finite resource that regenerates over time.

  3. Spell Augmentation System: This system provides greater customization and progression for discovered spells and abilities. Players can combine, morph, and augment spells to create tailored variants. For example, players might combine a fireball spell with a lightning spell to create a new arcane fire-lightning variant, or use a power reagent to increase the area of effect for a base spell.

  4. Universal Cooldown Combat System: This system aims to make spell and ability usage more tactical and reactive during combat, avoiding repetitive ability rotations. A single universal cooldown timer is shared across all direct-damage spells and active abilities. When one of these abilities is used, it triggers the cooldown for all other abilities. This promotes reactive and tactical play as players choose the most suitable ability for each combat situation.

  5. Ender Blades and Echoes of Eternity: These are legendary weapons crafted using rare Ender Crystals and Elder Crystals. Ender Blades start weak but can become the most powerful weapons when fully upgraded. The Echoes of Eternity is an ultimate legendary item requiring all Elder Crystals and massive amounts of regular Ender Crystals to craft.

This multi-layered combat system provides depth, strategy, and endless possibilities for character builds and playstyles. It rewards skill, planning, and adaptability, ensuring that every battle is a unique and exciting experience.

Nexus Battle Royale

The Nexus Battle Royale mode is a unique game mode that combines PvP and PvE elements in an exciting arena-style battle. This mode serves as both a competitive gameplay option and a means to enhance magical abilities.

Key features of the Nexus Battle Royale include:

  1. Nexus Zones: The battleground is divided into multiple zones, each centered around a nexus. These nexuses spawn PvE monsters that players can fight for resources and power-ups.

  2. Core Nexus: At the center of the map is the Core Nexus, a powerful focal point that players can charge by defeating other players and bringing their essence to it.

  3. Shrinking Boundaries: As players charge the Core Nexus and eliminate each other, the safe zone of the map shrinks. The areas outside the safe zone become infested with dangerous nether creatures, adding an extra layer of challenge.

  4. Rewards: The ultimate goal is to be the last player standing. The winner receives END tokens wagered by all participants at the start of the match. Additionally, participating in the Nexus Battle Royale mode allows players to charge and enhance their magical abilities, providing progression outside of the main game.

  5. Tiered Matchmaking: Matches are level-based and tiered. A player's character level determines their matchmaking, with higher levels being matched together. Higher-level matches have higher stakes and allow for larger END token wagers.

The Nexus Battle Royale mode not only provides an exciting competitive experience but also integrates seamlessly with the main game's progression systems, incentivizing players to participate regularly.

Realm Fortress Defense Mode

The Realm Fortress Defense mode is a strategic gameplay feature that ties directly into the concept of realm ownership and the power of Ender Cores. This mode challenges players to protect their realms and the valuable Ender Cores from invaders, adding a layer of strategy and resource management to the game.

Key aspects of the Realm Fortress Defense mode include:

  1. Fortification: Players must strategically build defenses around their Ancient Monument Temple Ruins where Ender Cores are placed. This involves using the game's building system to create walls, traps, and other defensive structures.

  2. Resource Management: Maintaining defenses and powering protective measures requires careful management of resources gathered from the realm.

  3. NPC Defenders: Players can recruit and train NPC defenders to help protect their realm, adding a management aspect to the gameplay.

  4. Invasion Events: Periodically, the realm may face invasion events where waves of enemies attempt to steal the Ender Cores. Players must actively defend or ensure their automated defenses are sufficient.

  5. Player Raids: Other players may attempt to raid the realm to steal unprotected Ender Cores, adding a PvP element to the defense.

This mode creates a compelling gameplay loop where realm owners must balance exploration and resource gathering with realm defense. It encourages creative problem-solving, strategic thinking, and potentially cooperative play as players might band together to defend particularly valuable realms.

Relics, Scrolls, and Artifacts

Relics, scrolls, and artifacts are powerful items that play a crucial role in character progression and the magic system of Endworld. These items are scattered throughout the realms, hidden in remote locations or guarded by formidable enemies, encouraging exploration and conquest.

  1. Relics: These are unique, powerful items that often grant specific abilities or significant stat boosts. They might be tied to the lore of Endworld and could have special significance in certain realms or against certain enemies.

  2. Scrolls: Scrolls typically contain spells or magical knowledge. When found and studied, they allow players to learn new spells or enhance existing ones. The spells contained in scrolls can vary widely in power and utility.

  3. Artifacts: These are general magical items that can provide various benefits. They might enhance certain types of magic, provide passive bonuses, or even unlock new gameplay mechanics.

The acquisition of these items is a key part of character progression in Endworld. They allow players to customize their playstyle, enhance their combat abilities, and potentially access new areas or overcome specific challenges in the game.

Ender Crystals and Elder Crystals

Ender Crystals and Elder Crystals are rare and powerful resources in Endworld, crucial for crafting the most potent items in the game.

Ender Crystals:

  • Rare crafting resources found by defeating Ender Dragons and certain bosses.

  • Used to craft powerful Ender Blades and other high-tier items.

  • Come in varying grades: Flawed, Regular, Flawless, and Perfect, with higher grades being more rare.

Elder Crystals:

  • Extremely rare, with only one of each type existing in Endworld.

  • Different Elder Crystal types have unique properties.

  • Located in the most dangerous and remote parts of Endworld, found in the highest tiered Ender Portals.

  • Required, along with many Ender Crystals, to craft the legendary Echoes of Eternity.

The scarcity and power of these crystals create a strong incentive for players to explore the most challenging areas of Endworld and engage with high-level content. They also serve as a long-term goal for players, driving engagement and providing a sense of accomplishment when finally obtained.

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