Core Concepts

Realm Portals

At the heart of Endworld's metaverse are the Realm Portals. These portals serve as gateways to diverse, procedurally generated worlds, each with its own unique characteristics and challenges. Realm Portals are minted through Ender Protocol Bond NFTs, creating a direct link between the game's economy and the underlying blockchain infrastructure.

The process of minting a Realm Portal is intrinsically tied to the concept of time and investment. Players deposit assets into Ender Protocol bonds to mint Bond NFTs. Upon maturity, these bonds can be used to mint Realm Portal NFTs in the metaverse game. The rarity and quality of the realm portal are determined by two key factors:

  1. Bond Maturity Duration: Longer maturity periods result in more valuable and complex realm portals. This time-based mechanism ensures that patient investors are rewarded with potentially more lucrative and interesting realms.

  2. Asset Deposit Amount: The size and scope of the realm are influenced by the amount of assets deposited during the minting process. Larger deposits enable the creation of more expansive playable worlds.

To add depth to the portal system and create a circular economy, Endworld introduces the concept of Portal Disintegration and Fragment Recycling. Once a realm portal is conquered, the owner has the option to disintegrate it. This process destroys the portal but yields portal fragments as a resource. These fragments are tied to the specific portal and hold a fraction of its original value.

Portal fragments can be combined to form new portals, with the rarity and quality of the recycled portal depending on the combined fragments. However, recycled portals will typically be of a lower tier than the origins of the fragments, and creating equal value portals will require substantially more fragments. This system adds sustainability through a circular resource flow, makes fragments valuable crafting ingredients, and provides an alternative to relying solely on new NFT mints for portal creation.

Ender Cores

Ender Cores are powerful artifacts that play a crucial role in the gameplay and progression systems of Endworld. These cores are central to a realm's power and stability, providing significant benefits to those who possess and properly utilize them.

Ender Cores are primarily obtained by defeating Endermen or their kin bosses, making them rare and valuable resources. When secured and charged, these cores offer several advantages:

  1. Passive Mana Charging: Ender Cores can passively charge a player's mana, increasing their magical capabilities.

  2. Ender Blade Energy: The cores can regenerate depleted ender blades over time, maintaining the power of these legendary weapons.

  3. Mana Capacity Increase: Securing an Ender Core in a realm is the only way to increase a player's maximum mana capacity, making them highly sought after by spellcasters.

However, the power of Ender Cores comes with significant risk. These artifacts are stealable by other players if not properly defended when placed in temples. This creates a dynamic gameplay loop where realm owners must not only capture Ender Cores but also defend them against potential raiders.

To fully utilize an Ender Core, it must be brought to the realm portal owner's realm and placed in an Ancient Monument Temple Ruin. These ruins are rare, randomly spawning structures that appear in realm portals. They serve as locations to charge Ender Cores and often come with built-in defenses and puzzles that must be overcome.

This system introduces an exciting new sandbox gameplay element that ties into the magic-based progression system. It promotes active PvP gameplay while rewarding strategy and teamwork. The rare spawn rate of Ancient Monument Temple Ruins ensures that Ender Cores are highly coveted, bringing a whole new dynamic to the concept of the metaverse with an interconnected world of realm portals owned by players and a "Defend the Fortress" style of gameplay.

3-Dimensional Universal Time-Based Scaling

One of the most innovative aspects of Endworld is its 3-Dimensional Universal Time-Based Scaling system. This mechanic creates a dynamic and evolving multiverse where the passage of time plays a crucial role in shaping the game world.

In Endworld, realms progress through different technological eras as time passes. This progression mirrors our own historical timeline, moving through eras such as the Bronze Age, Iron Age, modern civilization, and into a future with space-faring civilizations and beyond. The state of evolution within a realm is directly influenced by the timeline of the portal's minting.

Earlier mints, due to their placement early in the metaverse timeline, will generate more primitive and barren realms, potentially devoid of life or featuring only rudimentary life forms. As time advances in the metaverse, so does the evolution within the realms. Players will have the opportunity to witness and interact with increasingly complex and intelligent life forms.

At the very end of this evolutionary timeline, players will encounter the most advanced forms of life in the Endworld universe:

  1. Endermen: These are sentient AI beings, stemming from the End or the Nether Realm. They represent the zenith of evolution in the metaverse.

  2. Alien Creatures and Monsters: Exotic and potentially dangerous life forms that have evolved in the farthest reaches of the metaverse.

  3. Robotic Life Forms: Advanced mechanical entities, reminiscent of Transformers, representing the fusion of technology and consciousness.

  4. Ender Dragonkin: The most formidable entities in Endworld, representing the pinnacle of power and evolution.

What makes this system truly unique is the ability of players to influence the development of realms through their actions. By introducing advanced technology into primitive realms or making significant changes to the environment, players can accelerate or alter the course of a realm's evolution.

This creates an fascinating dynamic where players become multi-dimensional entities, capable of shaping the history, culture, and technology of the realms they interact with. It also introduces intriguing questions about the nature of time, progress, and influence within the metaverse, adding depth to the narrative and gameplay experience.

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